Terms and conditions

These are the terms and conditions of Dementia Carers Count's (the working name of the Royal Surgical Aid Society) website and all other Dementia Carers Count (DCC) websites.

The website is owned by DCC whose registered office is 7-14 Great Dover Street London SE1 4YR. DCC is a registered charity in England & Wales (216613) and Scotland (SC051929), and a company limited by guarantee (company number 515174).

Conditions of use

If you use this website you are agreeing to these terms and conditions from the date that you first use it. DCC may change these terms and conditions, and if you use the site after any changes have been made you are agreeing to the new terms and conditions.

These are also the terms and conditions for using any other websites owned by DCC if they have a link to this website. These terms and conditions apply to any use of the site including any donations you may make on this website.

You must not use this website to do anything that is unlawful, or that would affect anyone else’s rights, or would stop or spoil anyone else’s use of the website.

DCC owns the name and logo of DCC. You cannot use it without first getting DCC’s permission. DCC owns or has been allowed to use the materials, pictures or videos on this website. If any materials, pictures or videos on this website are owned by someone else, it will say they are, and then you will need to ask that person’s/organisation’s permission to use them.

DCC authorises you to reproduce the content of this site solely for your personal, non-commercial use provided DCC is acknowledged as creator of the content, with all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices are kept on the material; and is given reasonably prominent acknowledgement that you have created such content and provided it is not used in a context which damages our reputation.

You must not change any information, pictures or videos that you get from this website. You must only use information, pictures or videos exactly as they appear on the website, and if you use a video that you got from this website you must not use just part of it. Unauthorised use of the content may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.

DCC does not allow our information to be reproduced or reused anywhere for commercial purposes without written consent. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

This website contains links to other websites not owned by DCC. DCC is not responsible for anything in a website that it does not own. Inclusion of a link to another website does not imply endorsement by DCC or an indication as to the accuracy of their content or quality.

You are responsible for checking if the information on any other websites that you link to from this website is accurate or correct and for anything that you might buy from another website. DCC is not responsible for your use of any websites not owned by DCC.

Public areas

DCC may now or in the future permit you to post, upload, transmit through, or otherwise make available on the site (collectively, “submit”) messages, text, illustrations, files, images, graphics, photos, comments, sounds, music, videos, information, content, and/or other materials (“User Content”).

DCC is not responsible for anything that you or other people post on any public area of this website, including any forums, blogs or other User Content.

DCC does not check everything posted in any public areas and so you are responsible for what you post. DCC can remove or edit anything that you post in any public area, without telling you if we think that it is inappropriate in any way, for example; if DCC thinks it is defamatory, obscene, indecent, discriminatory, threatening, breaches any copyright or trade mark, is intended to solicit business, contains viruses or corrupted files or is otherwise unlawful.

By submitting User Content to us, simultaneously with such posting you automatically grant to us a worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully sublicensable, and transferable right and license to use, record, sell, lease, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works based upon (including, without limitation, translations), publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, publish and otherwise exploit the User Content (in whole or in part) as DCC, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.

We may exercise this grant in any format, media or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such User Content.


The content on this website is for information purposes only. If you require advice specific to your situation, please call our Carer Support Line on 0800 652 1102.

DCC cannot guarantee that your use of this website will not be interrupted or that this website is free from errors, viruses or bugs, so you must take your own action to protect your own computer before downloading information from the site.

DCC cannot accept liability for any damages whatsoever including, indirect or consequential damages, loss of profits, as a result of your use or loss of use of this website or from downloading any virus. The laws of England and Wales apply to this website and any disputes about the use of this website will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.

Payments and subscriptions


Subscription to our Carers Clinic gives you access to bookable appointments with our team of experts, online question and answer service and a wealth of multimedia content to support you on your journey as a dementia carer. Individual memberships are purchase on a rolling annual subscription basis, meaning that when you give us your card details, we will charge you annually on the anniversary of your subscription, unless you cancel before that date.

You have a statutory 14 day cooling off period after your purchase. However, we want you to be completely happy, so if you decide at any time up to 30 days after purchase (or renewal) that you would like a refund, simply email payments@dementiacarers.org.uk with the subject ‘Refund’ and include your name and email address, as well as a short note telling us how we can improve. 


Your subscription auto-renews on the anniversary of your original subscription date. You will receive a notification that your subscription is due for renewal before your saved payment method is charged. 

If your payment is unsuccessful, we will email your registered email address to request updated payment details.  If your payment is still unsuccessful, you will lose access to the service.

Security of payments

Any payments made via this website are processed via Stripe. Although this website uses encryption security software in areas where online payment details are accepted, we cannot guarantee the security of information and payments processed on the internet.

If you suffer any loss when you give any payment information in an email or other internet links this is your responsibility and DCC and its agents will not be liable.

Cancellation or termination of membership

If you wish to terminate your membership, simply email us at any time at [email protected] requesting the termination.

Changing your mind

If you have made an error in your subscription purchase and change your mind, we will refund you provided that you contact us within 30 days. Your refund will be credited to the card from which it was taken.

To request a refund, please email payments@dementiacarers.org.uk with the subject ‘Refund’ and include your name and email address, explaining that you have changed your mind, or letting us know how we can improve. 

If you become aware that your card has been used fraudulently, please contact your card provider.

Privacy and data protection

Please read DCC’s Privacy Policy available through this website.

Website feedback

We aim to be WCAG 2.2 compliant and use clear, accessible language.  If you notice something we could have done better, or something that doesn't work, please tell us by emailing your feedback to [email protected] including information about the webpage like URL and information about what you were trying to do.


DCC recognises the importance of complaints and values all feedback on the work we undertake. We will always listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our work.

Our Complaints Policy seeks to ensure that all complaints will be managed promptly, thoroughly, impartially, and sympathetically.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is a verbal or written expression of dissatisfaction about any aspect of our work.

Who might make a complaint?

Anyone who directly or indirectly encounters Dementia Carers Count. This might include:

  1. Carers of people with dementia who are accessing DCC services
  2. Employees or volunteers of partner organisations
  3. People visiting our website, offices, or community events
  4. Donors, fundraisers, commissioners, and supporters
  5. Authorised representatives of any of the above

What can you complain about?

You can complain about anything you are unhappy with. This might include:

  • The behaviour of our employees or volunteers
  • How we treat your personal data
  • The imagery and language used to promote our work
  • The quality, range, and inclusivity of services available
  • A DCC policy or campaign position

How do you complain?

Complaints can be made in the following ways:

  1.   Email [email protected] with the details of your complaint, your name and contact details.  Tell us how we can make it right.
  2.   Phone: 0203 5400 700
  3.   By writing to:

Director of Finance and Resources
Dementia Carers Count
7-14 Great Dover Street

We want to fully understand your experience so please try to tell us everything you can.

How we'll manage your complaint

  • We will listen to what you tell us and give you time to explain the issues
  • We will confirm receipt of your complaint within two workings days unless your complaint is submitted by post, in which case we will respond within five working days
  • We will aim to fully complete our investigation and write to you with an outcome within ten working days from the date you made the complaint
  • We will contact you early in the process should we need to extend the time-period to gather more information. We will keep you informed of progress via your chosen method of contact
  • We will create a confidential record and we will store the data securely and in accordance with data privacy and protection laws
  • We will implement improvements to our work based on the learning from your complaint

Our Commitment

When we get things wrong, we will:

  • Accept responsibility and apologise
  • Explain what went wrong and why
  • Put things right by making any changes required

We will also regularly analyse data on the number and type of complaints to strengthen policy and practice and improve overall user experience

If you are unhappy with the outcome

  • You may request a review within a calendar month of receiving the decision
  • The Chair of Trustees (or a delegated Trustee) will undertake the review
  • The Chair (or a delegated Trustee) will confirm receipt of the review request within ten working days
  • The outcome of the review will be communicated in writing within one calendar month from the date the request was received
  • If you are unsatisfied with the review outcome, we will advise you of external independent organisations that you may be able to refer to for further support

Additional Information


If, at any stage in the complaints process, there are concerns about an adult at risk or the welfare of a child or young person, the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures will also be implemented.

The Charity Commission

The Charity Commission regulates charities in England and Wales. It aims to make sure charities are accountable, well run and meet their legal obligations. The Charity Commission only deals with serious matters and expects complaints to be made to the organisation in question.

The Charity Commission
PO Box 211
L20 7YX

0300 066 9167
