

It is important for carers to understand the key aspects of mental healthlegislation so they are empowered to contribute to decisions that affect those in their care.



A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) allows a person to act on someone else's behalf when they are no longer able to make a decision.

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Assessment and support

Under Adult Social Care legislation, carers have the right to have their need for support assessed. It is the duty of their local authority to ensure eligible needs are met.

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The Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 is a crucial piece of legislation giving equal importance to the wellbeing of the carer as to that of the person with care needs.

Read more:

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Rights at work

Rights for carers who combine their caring role with employment.

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For a small regular membership fee or a one off donation you can access materials about your rights that will help you find the information that is relevant for you, as well as personal advice from our Carers Clinic.