When we talk about resilience with carers it will mean different things to different people. We’ve listed some of the words associated with resilience below. We encourage carers to think of small, free, easily accessible things they can do which will help them feel a little calmer, a little happier and help them move from the feelings of burnout. Even if this shift is temporary, it’s important to know what can alter your mood. Here are some ideas from carers about what helps them:

How you maintain resilience

  • "I make sure that my inner voice is kinder and more forgiving"
  • "Pottering in the garden"
  • "I try to have a laugh and to see the funny side"
  • "Check in with where I'm at on the emotions in action cycle and be more mindful"
  • "Try and do the breathing exercises everyday"
  • "Going to the beach, being by the sea"
  • "Conversation with friends and family"
  • "Listening to loud music in the car"
  • "Dancing around my kitchen"
  • "Being out in nature - I love hugging trees"
  • "Eating chocolate, and lots of it"
  • "Taking the dog for a walk"
  • "Stroking my dog's ears"
  • "Listening to birdsong"
  • "The smell of fresh tomoatoes"


An exercise we do with carers when focusing on resilience is to get them to list five things they enjoy doing for each of their senses, examples below:

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